Foreign Car Repair Mesa by
Total German Motorworks

Total German Motorworks is an INDEPENDENT foreign car repair shop in Mesa.  We work on Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Mini Cooper and Smart Cars. If you need any kind of European auto repair call Total German Motorworks.

We Accept Debit/Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX.

6 Reasons to Bring Your Vehicle To
Total German Motorworks for Foreign Car Repair

  1. We’ll Save You Money. The plain truth is that foreign car dealerships charge 10 to 20% more than we do for the same work. Not only are their mechanics charging higher rates, but that friendly service manager gets a cut, too. In many dealerships he makes a commission for selling you more fixes.
    At Total German Motorworks you’ll be dealing directly with the tech that does the work.
  2. We Know Your Foreign Car. European cars are different. Each manufacturer has idiosyncrasies and that’s why you love your car. But a mechanic used to working on American brands could damage your car without knowing it. At Total German Motorworks, our techs have years of experience with the German brands and know their quirks.
  3. We Have The Right Tech.  Car manufacturers keep pushing technology to the limit.  Every new model requires a new tool or computer program to keep up with the changes.  It’s a major investment for a car shop. Mechanics who see only Honda Civics and Ford F150s aren’t spending more to buy the BMW Series 3 tech.
    Our money is on the BMW, but don’t ask us to look at your Dodge Caravan.
  4. We Use The Right Parts.  One argument for getting your service done at the dealership is you’ll get OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts instead of knockoffs or remanufactured parts.  Sadly, it’s no guarantee.
    At Total German Motorworks we only use OEM parts. In the rare case that OEM parts are not available, we’ll tell you ahead of time.  When you make an investment in an expensive European brand, we know you want to protect that investment.
  5. We Won’t Hurt Your New Car Warranty. The dealerships want you to believe that you have to take your car to them for those service checks while your warranty is in effect. Often, those routine checkups are not much more that an oil change and inspection and are priced into hundreds of dollars.
    Under Federal law, you can have routine maintenance done anywhere you like without voiding your warranty.  We can save you money and keep you from having to drive out of your way to get to the dealership.
  6. You’ll Love Our Superb Coffee.  OK, so we don’t have a Barista to make you a nice Latte while you relax in our comfy lounge.  In fact, you probably don’t want to spend the day hanging around in our waiting room.
    But look back at Reason #1 above.  You could pay hundreds of dollars more for your car repair and get a $5 cup of coffee for free, or you can stop at Starbucks on the way to us and save all that money while we handle your foreign car repair.

Need Foreign Car Repair?

At Total German Motorworks our experienced techs will service or do maintenance on a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Mini Cooper or  Smart Car.

Call for a service appointment at 480-357-4800.



Limited Time Offer: Pre-Purchase Inspection

Looking to buy a European Luxury or Sports car? Don’t buy a lemon!Have our experienced foreign car mechanics take a look:

Have our experienced foreign car mechanics take a look:

  • We know what service milestones your model is coming up to and how much they’ll cost you.
  • We’ll run a complete computer diagnostic and readout ALL the control modules your vehicle has to see if there are any hidden problems with the car right now.
  • We’ll take a close visual inspection under the hood and under the chassis of the car to see if there are any undisclosed issues you’ll need to plan for.

Our mechanics know the common problems each of the European makes have and we’ll be looking to see the first signs of any looming problems with the car.

In short, you’ll have your eyes wide open as you make your deal on that sweet new car.

Get pre-purchase Peace of Mind for just $49.99!

Call Total German Motorworks at 480-357-4800 to make an appointment.

BEST MECHANIC EVER!!! I have been taking my VW Bug here for 8 years. Perry is the BEST!!! His prices are competitive and most times half the cost of any other place. He has been very good to me and always looked out for me!

FROGGEE Found on Google VW Service April 20, 2017